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French Pen pals

         Students in 7th and 8th grade French classes received letters from students in Yutz, France and were matched up based on interests. The French students wrote to our students in English this time and YMS students wrote back in turn mostly in French with a small paragraph in English. In French students introduced themselves, shared their likes and dislikes and basic information about their family and pets. A small paragraph was written to describe  how we celebrate holidays here in the U.S. Students were excited to find out about their new French friends, to see the different style of penmanship and to learn that French students have difficulties as well, expressing themselves in another language. They were most surprised to learn that these students had already been studying German for two years and English was their SECOND foreign language.

        The pen pals ages ranged from 11-15 with a handful of them being immigrants from various Francophone regions such as Mali and Morocco.  YMS French students worked hard to create a handwritten letter of introduction adding personal touches such as drawings and pictures.  Information about York was also included in the package along with bags of Kit Kats, unanimously chosen by our students, for our new French friends to try.  8th grade French students, who are a bit more sophisticated with their language, also prepared videos about York Middle School to share with our new friends.  We anticipate a year long exchange of letters and learning to continue with a real world connection to real people united by a timeless practice of correspondence.

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