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Puma Chocolate Festival

       At York Middle School on January 27th, the Puma Team Chocolate Fest took place. Students learned about how chocolate is made and about Fair Trade, which is a service where fair prices are paid to producers in developing countries. The students went through twelve different stations in groups of six-seven, where they discovered lots of things about chocolate that they might not of known before.

       As they walked around, they got to enjoy some treats; some were a big hit such as brownies, others not so much such as the cocoa nibs. The kids got to experience chocolate in many different forms.

       Overall, it was a great intro to the new chocolate unit that we are currently studying in social studies. We are learning about how chocolate is made; which was incorporated into the Chocolate Fest. It gave the kids a little break after two big projects. It has been said that the Chocolate Fest was a success and that hopefully students will get to enjoy this treat for years to come.

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